First of all, congratulations to everyone for the hard work and the victories of 2005.
1. Victory at University of Michigan
The latest hard-fought victory at the University of Michigan (Great job by the U-M coalition of 20 campus organizations.) was a significant cap to a year in which New York University, Rutgers University, Hofstra University, the University of Santa Clara, Union Theological Seminary, Macalester College and St. Peter's Prep, a high school, and the University of Guelph in Canada had strong victories. The campaigns at the more than 130 campuses, and growing every day, are critical: "...the anti-Coke efforts are gaining ground even on campuses where no ban has been approved. The negative publicity leads many students to make an individual choice not to purchase Coke products, and adds to the pressure on the company," Campaign to Stop Killer Coke Director Ray Rogers was quoted as saying in an article in , "At More Campuses, Coke Isn't It." By Scott Jaschik.
2. Campaign Press Coverage
There have more than 250 articles published around the world. Since the beginning of 2006, there have been journalists from Germany, France, the U.S., the UK, Colombia, Canada, Taiwan, Australia, India and elsewhere contacting us about the Campaign. Business Week published a feature article in the Jan. 23 issue of its magazine, " 'Killer Coke' or Innocent Abroad?: Controversy over anti-union violence in Colombia has colleges banning Coca-Cola" and a series of online articles about the Campaign, including interviews with SINALTRAINAL leaders.
Series of Articles in Business Week:
In Germany, Der Spiegel and Sueddeutsche published articles on the Campaign: (Germany), "Coca-Cola: Zynische Realitat," Von Andrian Kreye, January 10, 2006
Read Article
Spiegel Online, "BOYKOTTWELLE IN DEN USA: Studenten meutern gegen "Killer-Coke," Von Kirsen Grieshaber, January 6, 2006
Read Article
3. On the College Front
Since NYU and Michigan removed Coke, numerous additional colleges and universities have had recent Campaign activities and/or articles
a. DePaul University (Illinois)
The Depaulia, "Coca-Cola: The jig is up," By Alejandro Acierto, January 21, 2006
Read Article
b. Emory College (Georgia)
The Emory Wheel, OUR OPINION: Opening the bottle: Coca-Cola should submit to an independent review," Wheel Staff Editorial, January 24, 2006
Read Editorial
The Emory Wheel, "Michigan, NYU ban Coca-Cola from campuses: Alleged human rights violations cited; but similar protests not seen at Emory," By Rachel Zelkowitz, January 24, 2006
Read Article
The Emory Wheel (Atlanta, Georgia), "Coke University: Re-examining the company that built Emory," By Robbie Brown, December 9, 2005
Read Article
The Emory Wheel, "All Bottled Up," By Jessie Pounds and Robbie Brown, December 9, 2005
Read Article
The Emory Wheel, "Are We Still Coke U?," By Jeannie Tinkham and Robbie Brown, December 9, 2005
Read Article
c. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Die-In in Indiana
The latest action coming out of Indiana. The Die-In at the Board of Trustees' press conference involved both No Sweat! on the Bloomington campus and SAGE from the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis campus. See photos
d. McMaster University
On Feb. 13, 2006, at 7 p.m. McMaster Campus Choice is hosting SINALTRAINAL leader William Mendoza and exiled member Luis Adolfo Cardoza. The event is being held in conjunction with a Campus Choice conference being held during the day entitled "Corporate Power in the Ivory Tower" which will be addressing the increasing influence of corporations in post-secondary and secondary schools.
For further information, contact Hayley Watson at (416) 575-5293 or For more details, go to This will be the kickoff for a week-long speaking tour in Ontario by SINALTRAINAL leaders
e. Michigan State University
The State News (Michigan State University), "Candid about killer cola," Editorial Board, January 26, 2006
Read Article
The State News (Michigan State University", "Soda struggle: Activists protest Coca-Cola, promote local beverages," By Laura Misjak, January 24, 2006
Read Article
f. Queen's University (Canada)
The Journal, (Queens University, Canada), "Coke fizzles at three universities," By Janet Shulist, January 20, 2006
Read Article
g. Sussex University (UK)
Coca-Cola is to disappear from all Students' Union (USSU) shops and bars after students at the USSU Annual General Meeting decided to ditch the brand because of alleged abuses of human rights in Latin America.
Down the drain: Students vote to ban Coke
h. Swarthmore College (Pennsylvania)
The Phoenix (Swarthmore), "Kicking cynicism," Staff Editorial, January 26, 2006
Read Article
The Phoenix (Swarthmore), "Kick Coke reinvigorated by national victories," By Melissa Bertosh, January 26, 2006
Read Article
i. University Of Birmingham (UK)
Coke Action at University of Birmingham, UK, November 2005
"It was a November lunchtime like any other. Students were chilling out in the Mason Lounge, checking their e-mail and doing last-minute reading for their next lecture. Suddenly, to the perplexion of all, the studious quiet was interrupted by the theme from Coca-Cola's Holidays are coming Christmas adverts. As everyone turned to look at the P&P boom-box, embarrassing the operator, the rear doors burst open and two heavily armed Coke paramilitary enforcers rushed in."
People & Plant Society are going to put a resolution in at their union council this term to break Coke's exclusive National Union of Students supply contract. There is a growing movement in the UK to cut Coke's contract that covers over 200 universities.
Read Report
j. University of Minnesota
The Minnesota Daily, "The syrupy taste of greed: The University must seriously reconsider its relationship with Coca-Cola Co.," Editorial, January 23, 2006
Read Editorial
The Minnesota Daily, "MSA pushes for U to investigate Coca-Cola's business practices," By JP Leider, January 19, 2006
Read Article
The Minnesota Daily, "On into the spring semester": The local focus is more important than ever in the fight to better our lives," Editorial, January 17, 2006
"There are many local fights with international implications. Coca-Cola is still sold at the University despite increasing evidence of its moral corruption and continued exploitation of communities abroad."
Read Article
4. USAS Northeast Regional Conference at Columbia University
Are U Interested in Human Rights, Social Justice & Solidarity in a Local and Transnational Context?
Register NOW for the USAS Northeast Regional Conference
January 27-29th
Columbia University, Alfred Lerner Hall, New York City
Registration: Sliding-scale $15-50 nobody will be turned away for lack of funds
Thanks and we'll see you in NYC!
5. Jackson Heights, Queens, NY, Forum on Colombia
Saturday, January 28th. 2006
12:00pm. – 3:00pm
Renaissance Charter School
35-59 81st. Street Jackson Heights, Queens, New York
(Next to the Library)
(Take #7 train to 82nd. St. or E, F, V, R, G to 74th. St. change to #7 train, exit-82nd. St. Walk one block to 37th. Ave. Turn left, walk one block to 81st. Turn right, cross 37th. Ave. Walk 50 feet to the door.)
Luis Javier Correa, President of SINALTRAINAL
Luis Adolfo Cardona, SINALTRAINAL, Carepa.
Geraldo Cajamarca, Ex-member for two terms, City Council of Facatativa, Colombia.
Jesus Rey Avirama, Founding member and former President, Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, CRIC,
Marino Cordoba, Co-Founder of AFRODES
Nazih Richani Professor of Political Science, Kean University
Maria Elena Hincapie, Program Director for the National Immigration Law Center.
For More Information: Jose Schiffino 917 685-1044; Patrick Van Keerbergen 917 862 2880;
6. Do you need a customized Campaign leaflet?
In mid-September, the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke sent out a bulletin that listed links to customized leaflets for numerous colleges. We invited supporters to contact us to "customize a leaflet for your campus, union or group." The response was terrific! We immediately began getting emails asking us to produce customized leaflets for numerous colleges, universities, high schools and middle schools. We put them up as soon as we could. We have leaflets for Australia, Canada, Colombia (in Spanish), India, Ireland, the UK and the US. And now, in late-January, we still get daily requests for customized leaflets.
Look for your customized leaflets
If you would like a customized leaflet, please contact us at Please state the name of your school and the name of the sponsoring group and a local email address, if you want us to put them into the flyer. If you want the flyer for a group, please state the name of the group and an email address.
7. The Campaign's 'Campus Activism' Section
Students have been writing us from schools interested in beginning a Campaign to Stop Killer Coke. We recommend that students begin by checking out the two organizing packets in our "Campus Activism" section:
1. "Unthinkable! Undrinkable! A Campus Campaign Overview," a USAS Campus Guide
2. Campus Activism Packet — Campaign for a Coca-Cola Free Campus
In addition, there are numerous reports, resolutions and articles in the "Campus Activism" section that can be useful to students.
8. Take Actions Against Coke!
a. Call Coca-Cola and tell them to stop their worldwide abuses at 1-800-GET-COKE.
b. Sign a Petition protesting Coke's abuses:
Sign the Petition
c. Join the Boycott at Karmabanque's web site at:
9. Please send photos, reports of events, etc. for the Campaign website
Please send photos, reports of events, and if you are in a school, union or organization that has banned Coke products, please send us the resolution or description of how the decision was made. We would like the Campaign website to be up-to-date and to share the information with all supporters via our newsletter.
We are seeking your help to stop a gruesome cycle of murders, kidnappings, and torture of union leaders and organizers involved in daily life-and-death struggles at Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia, South America.
"If we lose the fight against Coca-Cola, we will first lose our union, next our jobs and then our lives." SINALTRAINAL VIce President Juan Carlos Galvis
Please donate to the Campaign.
"We believe the evidence shows that Coca-Cola and its corporate network are rife with immorality, corruption and complicity in murder."
Campaign to Stop Killer Coke/Corporate Campaign, Inc. Director Ray Rogers