Killer Coke
A Never-ending Story of Exploitation, Greed, Lies, Cover-ups and Complicity in Kidnapping, Torture, Murder and other Gross Human Rights Abuses

Killer Coke Update | June 8, 2006

Coke and the ILO, Haiti, Germany and Isdell

Contents of the Newsletter

  1. Coke/ILO/UN Controversy Heats Up
  2. Letter from SINALTRAINAL to Campuses Re: ILO, IUF & Coca-Cola, May 15, 2006
  3. College/University Update
  4. Anthropology Organizations Representing Thousands of Faculty Endorse Boycott vs. Coke
  5. "ILRF & USW Bring New Complaint Against Coca-Cola, Alleging Complicity With the Colombian DAS and AUC Paramilitaries In Killing of Labor Leader," June 2, 2006
  6. Coca-Cola Haiti Violates Labor Rights
  7. Does Massachusetts Want Big Oil's and Coke's Deval Patrick as Governor?
  8. Coke's CEO Isdell Thwarts Democracy
  9. ZDF German public television report on the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke
  10. Breizh Cola in Brittany Takes on Coke
  11. Coke sells more than drinks in those bottles — Part 2
  12. War on Want Report in Spanish
  13. National Review Article Lends Credibility to the Campaign's Effectiveness
  14. Corporate Crime Reporter, "Is the American Heart Association Pulling its Troops Out of State Beverage Fights?" June 1, 2006
  15. PEJ Radio News, "Winds of Change, with Janine Bandcroft & Charity Hume: Ray Rogers from the Stop Killer Coke Campaign..." May 25, 2006
  16. Do you need a customized Campaign leaflet?
  17. Campaign's 'Campus Activism' Section
  18. Take Actions Against Coke!
  19. Please send photos, reports of events, etc. for the Campaign website

1. Coke/ILO/UN Controversy Heats Up

On April 10, Coca-Cola North America President Donald Knauss sent a letter to the University of Michigan stating: "On March 2nd, the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) announced that it requested the United Nations International Labor Organization (ILO) to investigate and evaluate past and present labor relations and workers' rights practices of the Coca-Cola bottling operations in Colombia..." Mr. Knauss also wrote: "Questions concerning the ILO investigation and evaluation should be directed to Ms. Sally Paxton, Executive Director, Social Dialogue." (

As we noted in our April 17 News Release, "University of Michigan Falls Prey to Another Coca-Cola PR Scam," "The ILO has a tripartite structure, consisting of 28 representatives of governments, 14 representatives of employers and 14 representatives of labor. Labor observers and advocates who are familiar with the ILO say that the organization is heavily skewed against workers, since most government representatives align themselves with the employer representatives..."

In an April 12 phone conversation with Ray Rogers, Ms. Paxton contradicted at least two crucial points in Mr. Knauss's letter. First, she emphasized that the ILO would only do an "assessment of current working conditions," not of past labor relations practices. Second, she insisted that the ILO was not going to conduct "an investigation," adding that there won't even be an assessment of the parent company Coca-Cola, only an "assessment" of the enterprises in Colombia. (Read News Release)

At Coke's April 19, 2006 annual meeting, Ray Rogers raised the issue that Sally Paxton had contradicted Coke's assertions. Coke CEO E. Neville Isdell stated: "I think to misconstrue what we're doing with the ILO because we have a document from the ILO, signed by the ILO...I don't know who Ms. Paxton is, but what she said is not correct. We have a document. We have an agreement, and they are going to investigate past and prior practices."

However, no one has seen Isdell's ILO document.
You can hear Isdell's statement about the document at 29:35 in the webcast of the 2006 Coke shareholders' meeting responding to Ray Rogers' two-minute statement which starts at 26:40. Perhaps you might want to contact Mr. Isdell and ask for a copy of the document at:

E. Neville Isdell
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
The Coca-Cola Co.
One Coca-Cola Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30313
(404) 676-2121 (Switchboard) (John Brownlee, Executive Asst. to CEO Isdell)

The following is a letter sent to Sally Paxton by former DePaul University student Ben Meyer requesting clarity on these issues. Ben has been waiting her reply:

Greetings Ms. Paxton,

I am writing because I have heard a report that the ILO agreed to do an assessment or an investigation of Coca-Cola's bottling plants in Colombia. I was wondering if this is accurate, and if so, I was wondering if you could answer some questions I and several other concerned individuals in the United States have, which are listed below.

  • Will the ILO be carrying out an investigation or an assessment of Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia? How do an investigation and an assessment differ?
  • Is the ILO familiar with the reports of human rights and labor rights abuse issued by the Colombian trade union SINALTRAINAL? Are you aware that SINALTRAINAL is the largest union of Coca-Cola workers in Colombia, and has reported the largest number of human rights abuses against its members?
  • Will the assessment examine the murders of the nine trade union leaders of SINALTRAINAL that have occurred over the past seventeen years? Also, will the assessment examine the issue of harassment and intimidation of trade union members both in the past and the present?
  • How will the ILO guarantee that workers will be free to talk to the assessment team without interference or influence from managers?
  • Will the assessment or investigation focus on labor practices in plants that bottle Coca-Cola products or will it be a general study of Coca-Cola affiliated operations?
  • Will the assessment or investigation focus on workers' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining or will it more generally study compliance with human and worker rights standards?
  • What will be the make up of the assessment team? What questions will be asked? Will the assessment team interview workers on-site or off-site?
  • How will the assessment be funded? Will it be funded entirely by the ILO or will outside donors be allowed to contribute? If there will be donors, will a donors list be made public before the assessment?
  • Will the assessment consist of announced or unannounced factory visits, or a combination of the two?
  • Will the investigation methodology be public? Will it be made public before the assessment?
  • What is the time table for the assessment? Will it be completed by the end of the year? Is it possible that the ILO will not be doing an assessment?
  • Will the assessment be modeled after the "Better Factories Cambodia" project? If so, how will the assessment take into account the differences between the human rights situation on the ground in Cambodia and the situation on the ground in Colombia?
  • How do you feel about the fact that the IUF (International Union of Foodworkers) asked you to do this assessment, given that the IUF-affiliated Colombian union SICO has only 40-50 members and given that SICO was the union that replaced SINALTRAINAL after it was crushed in Carepa in 1996?

Thank you in advance for your consideration of these questions. I look forward to hearing from you.


Benjamin D. Meyer

How Does Coke Use its Money to Buy Favors, Influence and Respectability?

We did a bit of research and followed the money trail and found out more about how Coca-Cola uses its money to buy favors, influence and respectability:

In April, E. Neville Isdell presented the Fulbright Prize for International Understanding, sponsored by The Coca-Cola Foundation, to former President William Clinton for his advocacy of "free trade and international cooperation." These policies have encouraged corporations to move their jobs and exploit workers in the lowest wage areas of the world. The Prize includes a sculpture entitled "Tribute" created by a retired Coca-Cola executive and $50,000 "made possible by The Coca-Cola Foundation." Thus, it is clear that Coke is in control of this award.

In previous years, a number of those receiving Coca-Cola's prize money hold or have held major positions in the United Nations. These include present Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, Mary Robinson, Sadako Ogata and Martti Ahtisaari.

Furthermore, the President of the board of the Fulbright Alumni Community is R. Fenton-May, who was previously director of operations development at The Coca-Cola Company, where he also served as president of Coca-Cola China Ltd., Hong Kong, and vice president and technical manager of Coca-Cola Central Pacific Ltd., Hong Kong.

This is not an attack on the United Nations. We do, however, take the position that no agency of the United Nations is in a position to do an objective investigation (or assessment) of Coke's abuses in Colombia due to their conflicts of interest. The many financial and personnel connections between Coca-Cola, the ILO and the UN make it impossible for the United Nations or any of its agencies to be independent investigators or assessors of Coca-Cola's labor, human rights and environmental abuses.

2. Letter from SINALTRAINAL to Campuses Re: ILO, IUF & Coca-Cola, May 15, 2006

This letter from SINALTRAINAL President Javier Correa highlights the bogus effort by The Coca-Cola Co. and the IUF to undermine SINALTRAINAL's struggle through a so-called "investigation" by the International Labor Organization of the United Nations (ILO).
Read Letter from SINALTRAINAL
Read the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke's News Release on this subject

3. College/University Update

a. Canadian Federation of Students Encourages Members to Work with Killer Coke Campaign

The Canadian Federation of Students and the Canadian Federation of Students-Services were formed in 1981 to provide students with an effective and united voice, provincially and nationally. Today, more than 450,000 students from college and university students' unions across the country belong to the Federations.

Here are the actions passed at the Canadian Federation of Students general meeting last week:

"Be it resolved that member locals be encouraged to work with groups such as the Polaris Institute, the 'Stop Killer Coke' campaign that are helping to raise awareness of the public policy threats associated with the bottled water/beverage industry; and

"Be it further resolved that member locals be encouraged to challenge the renewal and negotiation of exclusivity contracts on campuses and seek to terminate existing exclusivity agreements; and

"Be it further resolved that member locals be encouraged to work with allied groups to develop alternative beverage agreements on campuses that encourage campus/community partnerships and that are in keeping with ethical purchasing policies."

b. Hampshire College Dumps Coke Bonds and Beverages!

Email From Brendan, Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts: I was just dropping you a line to let you know that our Coke campaign won. They are selling their bonds, and changing the soda in the bookstore and vending machines. Thanks again [Dan Kovalik, Asst. General Counsel, United Steelworkers union] for coming and doing that talk -- in many ways that was the centerpiece of our campaign.

Brendan and the rest of the Hamp Camp

c. Northwestern University

The Daily Northwestern, "Crusading against Coke: Students oppose alleged human rights violations at soft drink bottling plants while NU administrators stay out of the debate," By Hillary Proctor, May 17, 2006
Read Article

d. Oregon State University Dumps Coke

The Daily Barometer (Oregon State University), "Pepsi to replace Coke at OSU," May 26, 2006
Read Article

The Daily Barometer , "Coke era could end soon," By Mollie Holmes, May 18, 2006
Read Article


The Daily Bruin(UCLA), "Inform yourselves, boycott Coca-Cola: Students can, should pressure company to stop its perpetration of human rights crimes," By Megan Markoff, May 30, 2006
Read Article

The article refers to the PBS Frontline World documentary "The Coca-Cola Controversy."
Watch Videos

Daily Bruin , "Cola debate creates sticky situation," By Roberta Wolfson, May 15, 2006
Read Article

4. Anthropology Organizations Representing Thousands of Faculty Endorse Boycott vs. Coke

American Anthropological Association endorses boycott actions against Coca Cola Company, May 20, 2006
Read Resolution
Following resolutions passed by the Society for Cultural Anthropology; the Society of Anthropology of North America (SANA), and the American Ethnological Society (AES), the American Anthropological Association (AAA) passed a resolution to support "the Colombian union SINALTRAINAL's call for a boycott of The Coca-Cola Company and its products, and calls on its members to do the same..."

"Investigations thus far have created a scholarly record of the operations and impact of The Coca-Cola Company through interviews with eyewitnesses; union organizers and other stakeholders; field observations; and archival research. Their findings indicate that The Coca-Cola Company has not been sufficiently proactive in protecting workers and their families from intimidation and violence, that internationally recognized rights to organize unions have not been respected, and that information disclosure has been inadequate and insufficiently verified by independent sources."

The support from the AAA is a big boost since it represents more than 10,000 members in colleges and universities.

Society for Cultural Anthropology endorses boycott actions against Coca Cola Company, May 4, 2006
Read Resolution

5. "ILRF & USW Bring New Complaint Against Coca-Cola, Alleging Complicity With the Colombian DAS and AUC Paramilitaries In Killing of Labor Leader," June 2, 2006
Read Press Advisory

"On Friday, June 2, 2006, the ILRF and USW filed a new Alien Tort Claims Act case against the Coca-Cola Company and its Latin American Bottler, Coca-Cola FEMSA. This new Complaint charges that managers at the Coke bottling plant in Barranquilla, Colombia conspired with both the Colombian Administrative Department of Security ("DAS") and the AUC paramilitaries to intimidate, threaten and ultimately kill SINALTRAINAL trade union leader Adolfo de Jesus Munera on August 31, 2002. The Complaint further alleges that, despite a number of warnings to Coca-Cola management in Atlanta that the management at the Barranquilla bottler has continued to meet with and provide plant access to paramilitaries, the paramilitary infiltration of this bottling plant continues unabated to this day. Meanwhile, these same paramilitaries have continued to threaten SINALTRAINAL members and leaders with death and even kidnapped the child of one SINALTRAINAL leader to pressure him into refraining from his union activities."
Read Complaint

6. Coca-Cola Haiti Violates Labor Rights

"Workers at the Brasserie de La Couronne, S.A./Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Haiti brewery in Cap-Haitien in northern Haiti report that management is continuing a pattern of abuses that includes wages below the legal minimum, violations of the overtime law and the irregular firing of Philomé Cémérant, the secretary of the newly formed Batay Ouvriye May First Union Federation/Union of La Couronne Brewery Northern Branch Workers

"The union says that talks with management have made no progress over the last six months and that La Couronne CEO Raymond Jaar has now broken off contact completely. Noting the troubled human rights record of Coca-Cola affiliates around the world," the union is requesting labor rights supporters internationally to email, call or write Mr. Jaar demanding that he rectify the situation. If you email Mr. Jaar, cc a copy to the union at

Grassroots Haiti Solidarity Committee, "Action Alert: Coca-Cola Haiti Violates Labor Rights," May 29, 2006
Read Article, "Haiti: La Couronne Brewery - Coca-Cola won't meet with union," by BO - Batay Ouvriye, May 15 2006
Read Article

7. Does Massachusetts Want Big Oil's and Coke's Deval Patrick as Governor?

The Coca-Cola Company's former Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel Deval Patrick is the leading Democratic candidate to win his party's nomination to run for governor of Massachusetts. The Democratic primary will be held on Sept. 19 with Chris Gabrieli and Tom Reilly also running.

Patrick recently disclosed the source of his more than $3.8 million 2005 income - Coca-Cola, Ameriquest and Reebok and from investments in "major oil companies like Exxon Mobil and Marathon Oil, and giant pharmaceutical firms like Merck and Pfizer" -- most of the income coming from The Coca-Cola Co - a total of more than $3.1 million.

Deval Patrick was paid millions of dollars by Coke to help cover up the crimes and unethical behavior of Coca-Cola and to keep his mouth shut. In fact, Boston Herald reported on April 8, 2005, "Under the deal revealed yesterday, Patrick cannot sue the company [The Coca-Cola Co.] for any reason and has promised not to...reveal any company secrets through Jan. 1, 2007."

Patrick has operated for years as a major player in some of the most corrupt and greedy corporations. Working for both Texaco and Coca-Cola, it was Patrick's job to oppose any use of the Alien Tort Claims Act, which has been a statute since 1789 that allows foreigners to sue in U.S. courts for crimes against humanity. "As Texaco fights plaintiffs' charges that it inflicted 'cultural genocide' in Ecuador, the company in the past year hired a new general counsel well-known in Massachusetts, Deval Patrick of Milton, a former chief of the U.S. Justice Department's civil rights division. He contends the plaintiffs shouldn't have access to U.S. courts, only those in Ecuador - a move [Cristobal] Bonifaz says would effectively kill the lawsuit. Patrick declined an interview request." -- The Boston Herald, August 29, 1999.

"Led by Deval Patrick, theCoca-Cola legal team has reached new lows in the so-called corporate responsibility movement. Unable to dispute the facts, Coca-Cola is pursuing a corporate shell game defense. The company claims that the people who were murdered and tortured under the Coca-Cola signs in the Coca-Cola bottling plants that send profits back to Coca-Cola in Atlanta have no recourse against Coca-Cola and should instead subject themselves to further risk of violence by seeking justice in Colombia. Mr. Patrick's team seeks to maintain an incredibly unjust, uncivil and unfair system that allows companies to enjoy the best of both worlds in their overseas operations, by profiting from human rights violations while limiting liability to a local entity that is a mere facilitator for the parent company's operations. This represents a grave threat to innocent workers worldwide." -- Terry Collingworth, Executive Director, International Labor Rights Fund, Oct. 2, 2003.

The Campaign to Stop Killer Coke asserts that no top executive of Coca-Cola should be allowed to hold any position of public trust, in particular, governor of a state because of the company's labor, human rights and environmental abuses and history of corrupt business practices.

Will voters in Massachusetts allow the Democratic Party to sink to new lows by electing someone who has been complicit in covering up widespread labor, human rights and environmental crimes?

We are seeking individuals and organizations that would like to help expose Deval Patrick's and Coke's deplorable record to Massachusetts' voters. Please contact us at or (718) 852-2808.
"Deval Patrick Made $3.8 Million In 2005," CBS4Boston, Jon Keller
Read Article

8. Coke's CEO Isdell Thwarts Democracy

A Missing Minute: Isdell Caught in a Lie!
At the 2006 Coke Shareholders' meeting, Campaign Director Ray Rogers finished his remarks noting that if he had had the three minutes to speak as he did last year, he would not have had to rush his remarks.

Coke CEO replied: "Mr. Rogers, Last year you also had two minutes and I think that once again, probably, reflects the inaccuracies of a number of your statements."

We've put together a short tape with this exchange and a clip from last year's meeting during which Isdell clearly states that speakers would have three minutes to speak. Perhaps that, once again, reflects the inaccuracies of a number of Isdell's statements.
See Video

For those who don't believe that our merged clips are accurate, please watch the webcasts from the two shareholders' meetings linked below:

2005 Coke shareholders' meeting
2006 Coke shareholders' meeting

Yellow or Red?

A May 31 article in a Coop America publication written by Patricia Lynn of Corporate Accountability International describes how Coke CEO Isdell went to great lengths to control the shareholders' meeting on April 19. The good guys got red cards and the questionable guys got yellow cards. When the issue of Coke's abuses in Colombia came up, Isdell only had to look for the red cards to avoid any embarrassing questions or statements. (Coop America), "Corporate Democracy Not in the Cards," by Patricia Lynn, May 31, 2006
Read Article

9. ZDF German public television report on the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke

The German television team shot video at NYU and Fordham and interviews students from those schools. In addition, they shot film at our offices in Brooklyn, NY.
Watch Video

10. Breizh Cola in Brittany Takes on Coke

Fin24, "Taking on Coke and winning," May 11, 2006
"Four years ago Stephane Kerdode took on a seemingly impossible challenge, trying to beat the world's biggest soft drinks manufacturer at its own game. It's a gamble that paid off handsomely. Fed up with what he saw as Coca Cola's grip on the fizzy drinks market in his native Brittany, the then 30-year-old decided to create a local alternative. The result was Breizh Cola -- the moniker comes from the Breton name for Brittany -- and it was an overnight success."
Read Article
Wikipedia on Breizh Cola (includes a list of Brands of Cola)

11. Coke sells more than drinks in those bottles--Part 2

In our previous newsletter, we linked to news reports that Coke products include more than dangerous soda, sugar, aspartame, benzene and phosphoric acid. In various parts of the world, iron powder, insects, tobacco pouches, dirt and fungus have been found in Coke products. The article below describes a California lawsuit filed against Coke because of lead in the labels of Coke imported from Mexico.

MarketWatch, "Coca-Cola being sued by California over lead in labels: L.A. Times," May 16, 2006
Read Article

12. War on Want Report in Spanish
"El presente documento constituye el tercero de una serie de informes alternativos de War on Want. El objetivo de estos informes consiste en comparar y contrastar la retorica de la responsabilidad social empresarial con las prácticas reales de las empresas. Asimismo, forman parte de la actual campana de War on Want que tiene como objetivo implementar un marco global de regularizacion de empresa y propone medidas para ejercer presion sobre las empresas multinacionales en todo el mundo.

"El presente informe examina la empresa internacional de bebidas Coca-Cola, una de las marcas más conocidas mundialmente. Coca-Cola ha sabido construir un imperio global y actualmente vende casi 400 marcas en aproximadamente 200 paises. Coca-Cola asegura que cumple con las "normas éticas más exigentes" y "que es una empresa ciudadana de primera clase en todos y cada uno de los paises donde trabaja".

"Sin embargo, las prácticas de Coca-Cola en todo el mundo nos cuentan una historia muy diferente. Esta empresa ha sido acusada de deshidratar comunidades, de secar los pozos de los agricultores y destruir la agricultura local debido a su constante busqueda de fuentes de agua para abastecer sus plantas. Incluso los empleados de Coca-Cola y de las plantas proveedoras han sido victimas: ellos han sido testigos de la violacion de sus derechos en paises como Colombia,Turquia, Guatemala y Rusia. Solo gracias a la inversion multimillonaria en campanas de marketing, Coca-Cola ha podido mantener la imagen transparente que busca."
Coca-Cola: El Informe Alternativo

This is the third in a series of War on Want alternative company reports. Their purpose is to compare and contrast the rhetoric of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the reality of companies' actual practices. The reports form part of War on Want's ongoing campaign for a global framework of corporate regulation, and each recommends action that ordinary people can take to rein in the power of multinational corporations across the world.

This report looks at the international beverage company Coca-Cola, one of the most recognised brands in the world. Coca-Cola has built a global empire and now sells close to 400 brands in almost 200 countries. The company claims to adhere to the "highest ethical standards" and to be "an outstanding corporate citizen in every community we serve".

Yet Coca-Cola's activities around the world tell a different story. Coca- Cola has been accused of dehydrating local communities in its pursuit of water resources to feed its own plants, drying up farmers' wells and destroying local agriculture. The company's own workers have also suffered: workers in Coca-Cola and supplier plants have seen their rights violated in countries such as Colombia, Turkey, Guatemala and Russia. Only through its multi-million dollar marketing campaigns can Coca-Cola sustain the clean image it craves."
Coca-Cola: The Alternative Report

13. National Review Article Lends Credibility to the Campaign's Effectiveness

The National Review, founded by ultra-conservative William F. Buckley, Jr. in 1955 and described in its media packet as "America's premier magazine and web site for reaching Republican/Conservative opinion leaders who affect and shape policy on a wide range of issues," published an article, "Fizzes and Fizzles: How goes the struggle against Demon Coke?" in its June 19th issue. As one would expect, this is a pro-corporate article. However, the article did point out: "Right now, the campaign to stop 'Killer Coke' is perhaps the trendiest protest movement on campus." It goes on to say: "They're [Coca-Cola] clearly worried about the effects of a long-term smear campaign orchestrated by radicals determined to beat the Real Thing."

The article includes both of Coke's anti-Campaign websites, but fails to mention

We are not able to link to this article since you must be a subscriber to the National Review to access it.

14. Corporate Crime Reporter, "Is the American Heart Association Pulling its Troops Out of State Beverage Fights?" June 1, 2006

Read Article
"Michele Simon was angry. She was angry when she heard that the American Heart Association (AHA) had joined with the Clinton Foundation and the beverage industry last month to cut a deal that would limit high caloric beverages in schools - with loopholes. Under the Clinton deal - sports drinks and diet sodas are allowed and marketing is allowed in high schools - and there is no legal enforcement mechanism. Simon heads the Center for Informed Food Choices in Oakland, California."
Read our comments on Clinton and this subject at #9. Soda Out of the schools: Raises Questions of Credibility.

15. PEJ Radio News, "Winds of Change, with Janine Bandcroft & Charity Hume: Ray Rogers from the Stop Killer Coke Campaign..." May 25, 2006
Listen to Radio Show

16. Do you need a customized Campaign leaflet?
When we invited supporters to contact us to "customize a leaflet for your campus, union or group," the response was terrific! We immediately began getting emails asking us to produce customized leaflets for numerous colleges, universities, high schools and middle schools. We put them up as soon as we could. We have leaflets for Australia, Canada, Colombia (in Spanish), India, Ireland, the UK and the US.

Because the demand for flyers was so strong, it took up too much server space. We decided to leave the list online with the schools listed for which we have customized flyers. If you need a copy of your flyer, please contact us and we'll email it to you as soon as possible.

Look for your customized flyer.

If your school, union or group is not listed and you would like a customized leaflet, please contact us at Please state the name of your school and the name of the sponsoring group and a local email address, if you want us to put them into the flyer. If you want the flyer for a group, please state the name of the group and an email address. Also, whenever you email the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke, please include a phone number, if possible, in case we have a need to talk with you.

17. Campaign's 'Campus Activism' Section
Students have been writing us from schools interested in beginning a Campaign to Stop Killer Coke. We recommend that students begin by checking out the two organizing packets in our "Campus Activism" section:

In addition, there are numerous reports, resolutions and articles in the "Campus Activism" section that can be useful to students.

18. Take Actions Against Coke!

19. Please send photos, reports of events, etc. for the Campaign website
Please send photos, reports of events, and if you are in a school, union or organization that has banned Coke products, please send us the resolution or description of how the decision was made. We would like the Campaign website to be up-to-date and to share the information with all supporters via our newsletter.

In addition, we would still appreciate an e-mail toinfo@KillerCoke.orgwith your name and description of where you live and/or work for our database.

Campaign to Stop KILLER COKE

We are seeking your help to stop a gruesome cycle of murders, kidnappings, and torture of union leaders and organizers involved in daily life-and-death struggles at Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia, South America.

"If we lose the fight against Coca-Cola, we will first lose our union, next our jobs and then our lives." SINALTRAINAL VIce President Juan Carlos Galvis

Please donate to the Campaign.

Learn the truth about The Coca-Cola Co.

"We believe the evidence shows that Coca-Cola and its corporate network are rife with immorality, corruption and complicity in murder."
Campaign to Stop Killer Coke/Corporate Campaign, Inc. Director Ray Rogers
