Killer Coke
A Never-ending Story of Exploitation, Greed, Lies, Cover-ups and Complicity in Kidnapping, Torture, Murder and other Gross Human Rights Abuses

Killer Coke Update | August 27, 2004

1. Protest Coca-Cola & the RNC at the Copacabana in Manhattan

Please join the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke at 9:30 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 1 at the Copacabana to greet the Republican delegates, Gov. Pataki and Coke representatives with our literature and protest signs.

Coca-Cola, a large contributor to the Republican Party, will be co-sponsoring an event with New York State Gov. George Pataki at the Copacabana for convention delegates at:

560 W. 34th Street, near 11th Avenue, Manhattan
10 pm to 2 am, we're meeting at 9:30 pm
Wednesday, Sept. 1.

If you can, please let us know if you will join us. Call us at 718-852-2808 or write us at

2. SOAWatch at Washington Square Park, NYC on Saturday
NYC SOA Watch will be tabling in Washington Square Park on Saturday August 28 from 12 noon till 4 pm to rally people to come to Georgia to close the SOA.

We will march in the big march on Sunday, August 29 to protest the Republican policies supporting and teaching the tools and methods of repression in our hemisphere and around the world.

We will be joining with the National SOA contingent, which itself will be a part of the Latin American and Caribbean coalition. We will meet at 6th Ave. and 20th St. between 10 am and 12 noon when the march is scheduled to start. Look for the banner. We plan a low risk and enjoyable activity.

Andy Kafel, NYC SOA Watch

3. Massive Protest at the Republican Convention

The World Says No to the Bush Agenda!

Join hundreds of thousand of protesters in New York City from all over the country and march past Madison Square Garden where the Republican National Convention will take place next week. THERE WILL BE A MARCH, but no rally! And the march will go past MSG on 7th Ave. and then go to 5th Ave. down to Union Square on 14th Street.

Assemble at 10:00 am,
Seventh Ave. @ 14th St. through 22nd St., NYC
March steps off at noon

Click here to view the map of assembly points for the various contingents.

Bring portable radios and tune to 99.5 FM (WBAI) to hear any interviews or discussions from the march.

4. Washington Post, "Regular Soda a Day Boosts Weight Gain: Non-Diet Drinks Also Increase Risk of Diabetes, Study Shows," by Rob Stein, 8/25/04
Read Article

5. Update from William Mendoza, VP of SINALTRAINAL, Aug. 26, 2004

Dear friends,

I just received an update from William Mendoza, SINALTRAINAL and Coke arrived at an agreement to relocate 26 union members and retire (with full pensions) 28 union workers. William was given another position in the Barrancabermeja plant on August 24.

William wrote, "On behalf of myself and the union, thanks for the actions that each of you have carried out. Without that, it would have been very difficult for us to achieve an agreement. We think that Coca-Cola will not yield in its desire to eliminate the union - it will invent another way to screw us. Therefore, you have to follow this situation closely, and please work hard in the campaign against Coca-Cola. The company's willingness to repair the harm caused to the workers, their families, the environment, and the Colombia people depends on the strength of the campaign."

In solidarity,
Scott Nicholson

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